Here you will find the general collection and textbooks organized according to the Library of Congress Classification System. All formats (books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, VHS, and others) are displayed in open shelves. Users can locate and request resources for use outside of the Library.
We provide orientation and assistance to all Library patrons and visitors. We process loan-out transactions from the general collection. We assist in the search for information within the collection in the open shelves. We teach strategies to use the online catalog. We refer you to the different service areas according to your particular information needs.
For more information, you may contact Circulation personnel by phone at (787) 622- 8000, ext. 233, 256. or by email at
The Research Center, as part of the Public Service Department, offers information services to the academic and general community. We have specialized information resources that respond to the users’ needs for information.
Also, this area of service is equipped with personnel prepared to guide users to use information resources. They offer information about the use of information and communication technologies, such as image digitalization, document printing and searches in the catalog, databases and the Internet.
This is a basic search for information to obtain specific data or general knowledge about a subject. The Library staff assists and guides users to locate the resources they will use. This is a very useful service, for instance, to get concept definitions (philosphy, engineering, etc.), to search for someone’s biography, for a specific definition (what is a bridge?, tribology, etc.) The Room has specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries to help you answer questions such as these.
This service helps develop the necessary information skills to enable the user to deal with the various information resources available in the Room according to the complexity of their research. This will help them produce a hihg-quality academic work. This is a very useful service if, for instance, you are enrolled in Capstone Design, if you have to design a project for the Freshman Engineering Design (ENGI-1130) course, if you’e a Master’s student, or if you need to write a paper, among others.
This service consists of requesting information through the Library webpage and/or blog.
If you need help, please fill the inquiry form and send it to
Download Form
Questions will be answered in the order they’re received. You will receive a reply in 24 hours or less
To request information over the phone. For inquiries, you may call the Room personnel at (787) 622-8000, extensions 444; 627 or 375.
The Research Center has a collection of historical books, including: rare books, Latin American arquitecture magazines, and special Puerto Rican books. The collection is located in a specially conditioned room to preserve the resources. You may search the online catalog to see the topics covered in these books.
Visit our Rare Books Website.
A collection of maps and atlas in different formats is available in the Research Center. The Library, in collaboration with the Department of Geomatic Sciences, offers users a database specialized in digital cartography of Puerto Rico, as per the informative content provided by the Planning Board.
The Research Center offers a bibiliography guide or “pathfinder” service by topic. Reference librarians prepare bibliography guides with a variety of information resources within the Library collections and resources available in the internet, for students to select among these. To access Pathfinders, click here.
We invite the outside community to visit our Library facilities and request information services. Our personnel is available to help you and guide you in your search. Please remember the Polytechnic University Library is academic in nature, and it is specialized for our study programs. If you are interested in obtaining our services, you will need to submit a photo ID.
This is a list of electronic addresses to portals that have been evaluated by our personnel for your benefit. They are organized by subject. The Library uses authority, currency, obectivity, content and reach, and coverage as criteria. Professors may contact us at to submit their suggestions. Click to see the recommended links:
This is a list of electronic addresses to portals that have been evaluated by our personnel for your benefit. They are organized by subject. The Library uses authority, currency, obectivity, content and reach, and coverage as criteria. Professors may contact us at to submit their suggestions. Click to see the recommended links:
This is a list of electronic addresses to portals that have been evaluated by our personnel for your benefit. They are organized by subject. The Library uses authority, currency, obectivity, content and reach, and coverage as criteria. Professors may contact us at to submit their suggestions. Click to see the recommended links:
The program helps students develop their information skills. These skills are a combination of abilities that allow individuals to work efficiently with information, including recognizing when you need the information, locating it, evaluating it, and using it effectively.
The skills developed will help you become lifelong learners. The Program Coordinator is a professional librarian and works in coordination with the faculty and directors to integrate the development of skills in the curricula through activities and workshops. Workshops and orientations are offered to students and faculty with this objective in mind. The topics covered include:
The Coordinator’s office is located on the 2nd floor of the Library. The program has an equipped laboratory with computers, projector, and Smartboard.
The online catalog is a bibliographic database that describes the information resources that comprise our many Library collections. You may find books, magazines, videos, CD-ROMs, and e-books, among others. Computer stations, where you may access the Catalog, are available in the Library. If you wish to use the Library Catalog from the comfort of your home, office, or phone, you may access it through our Webpage.
Access Online Catalog Policy for Virtual Services and Remote AccessOur database page is for the exclusive use of the academic and administrative community of the Polytechnic University, including San Juan, Orlando and Miami Campuses. To obtain remote access, you must have a username and password.
For more information, you may contact the Library personnel at (787) 622-8000, ext. 444, 233, or send the Application Form with an explanation of the service you are requesting to
The Historical Archive of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico is a specialized unit with the mission to manage and conserve the documents produced by various PUPR components through media custody and digitalization.
Monday through Thursday – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The Engineering & Sciences Support Center is located on the first floor of the Library. It shares a physical space with the Circulation Department and offers the following:
This Center was developed with funds from the College Cost Reduction And Access Act (CCRAA), which were awarded to the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico in 2008.
This department is responsible for the selection, purchase and cataloguing of the information resources necessary to support all the academic programs in the institution. We ensure the acquisition of resources in different electronic and physical formats to satisfy the particular needs of our users, be it online or face-to-face students. We are also in charge of the physical preparation, preservation and conservation of resources.
We welcome all individuals or institutions interested in donating bibliographic resources for the improvement of our collection. This offers us the opportunity to acquire resources that support our institutional academic programs and that we are not always able to purchase. Those interested in donating resources may send them directly to this department. For big donations, please contact us to coordinate the delivery. Through an agreement signed with the donor, the Library reserves the right to dispose of the donated materials as it deems adequate, according to the Plan for Collection Development.
Donation Receipt / DeliveryIf you consider there is a book, audiovisual media, magazine or database the Library should aqcquire to benefit our academic community, you may send your suggestions to or fill out the following form. Your suggestions will be welcome and taken into consideration.
Suggestion Form