¡¡Un saludo a todos!!
Estamos en un momento crucial para la historia de la humanidad. Momentos como este permiten cambios y adaptaciones en los seres humanos para superar con éxito los retos que nos presenta el mundo. Vivimos una sociedad tecnológica donde el 5G, la automatización industrial, la remotización del trabajo y la enseñanza son los nuevos pilares de la sociedad a nivel académico. En la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico nos hemos ido adaptando a la nueva realidad de cara a las necesidades sociales y tecnológicas desde hace ya algún tiempo. Al inicio de este año 2020, nos vimos en la necesidad de acelerar, por causas naturales, nuestros servicios en forma remota, los cuales ya teníamos avanzados debido a la visión institucional y corroborada por la realidad vivida en el 2017 (Huracán María).
Las necesidades actuales requieren, aún más que antes, mejores preparaciones académicas del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras y Ciencias de Computadoras para atemperar la realidad tecnológica mundial. Áreas como telecomunicaciones modernizadas, servicios remotos, seguridad cibernética, virtualización de negocios, sistemas de potencia con generación eco amigable, entre otras.
Nuestra visión atiende todas y cada una de estas áreas de ingeniería y ciencias de cómputo, permitiendo al estudiante una capacitación de cara a las necesidades actuales. Nuestros estudiantes y egresados demuestran con su aceptación en agencias como NSA, NASA, FBI, Homeland Security, Boeing, agencias locales gubernamentales, y muchas empresas privadas en Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos. Las credenciales de nuestra institución en la formación de su disciplina y su desempeño como profesionales.
Nuestro departamento consta de profesores altamente capacitados para atender las siguientes áreas de la Ingeniería y las Ciencias de Cómputo, como: Potencia Eléctrica, Energía Renovable, Controles Automáticos, Procesamiento de Señales Digitales, Comunicaciones Digitales, Algoritmos y Lenguajes, Diseño de Sistemas Digitales, Redes, Arquitectura y Organización Informática, Diseño y Análisis de Algoritmos, Diseño de Interfaz, Base de Datos, y en nuestra nueva área de “Smart Grid Power Systems.” Para los próximos años continuaremos expandiendo nuestros ofrecimientos a otras áreas como: “Data Analytics”, “Data Mining”, Sistemas de Energía Autosostenible, Controles Industriales, y “Machine Learning”.
Nuestros programas de Ingeniería Eléctrica e Ingeniería de Computadoras están acreditados por el Engineering Accreditation Commission de ABET. El programa de Ciencias de Computadoras está acreditado por el Computing Accreditation Commission de ABET.
¡Les damos la bienvenida a nuestro departamento! Estamos para orientarte sobre nuestros ofrecimientos académicos al (787) 622-8000 extensiones 344, 472 y 340.
Dr. Luis M. Vicente
E-mail: lvicente@pupr.edu
Prof. Julio A. Hernández
Director Asociado
E-mail: jhernand@pupr.edu
Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABETwww.abet.org
Our society is increasingly dependent on the generation and distribution of energy in the form of electricity, and continues to develop at an accelerated pace electronic communication devices and computers designed to capture, create, process, transform, and distribute information. Electrical Engineering is one of the disciplines supporting the development and operation of this key infrastructure. It has evolved from the study of fundamental electrical principles to encompass sophisticated communication and computation techniques.
Computer Engineering is a rapidly changing field that covers a wide range of topics concerned with the design, implementation and programming of computers and digital systems. Computer engineers develop integrated hardware and software systems and apply these to the creative solution of problems in government and business. These solutions are key enablers to our economic development and social welfare. A sample of the range of solutions created by Computer Engineers include: industrial and military control systems, database management systems, health care information systems, networked systems, end-user embedded computer controlled products, and computer-aided design tools to automate and leverage human performance in many other disciplines.
Today, the field of computer science is one of the most popular academic disciplines in universities across the nation. Computer Scientists build computer-aided design tools, manage information technology enterprises, build business information systems (including banking and automotive systems), build healthcare information systems, design and support networks such as wide area networks and cellular telephony, and design end-user embedded computer-controlled products and systems such as smart cards and vision recognition systems.
Associate Degree of Engineering in Software Development
Computer Software Development is a rapidly changing field that spans a wide range of topics concerned with the design, implementation, and programming of computers and digital systems. Software developers apply creative solutions to problems in government, telecommunications, entertainment and other businesses. These solutions are key enablers to global economic development and social welfare. These professionals are dedicated to automating processes that can leverage human performance in many disciplines.
Financial Aid
Honor Program
Career and Internship Services Program
Prof. Julio Hernández
Office: L-352 Ext. 472
E-mail address: jhernand@pupr.edu
Prof. Leandro Morales
Office: M-204
Ext. 468
E-mail address: lmorales@pupr.edu
Prof. Luis Ortiz
Office: L-309
Ext. 491
E-mail address: lortiz@pupr.edu
Dr. Guillermo Riera
Office: L-351
Ext. 372
E-mail address: griera@pupr.edu
Prof. José Riollano
Office: L-350
Ext. 410
E-mail address: jriollan@pupr.edu
Prof. Claudia Talavera
Office: M-206
Ext. 368
E-mail address: ctalavera@pupr.edu
Student Organizations
The students enrolled in the department may become members of any of the following organizations:
a. Electrical Engineering and/or Computer Engineering Student Chapter of the board that locally enrolls licensed engineers.
b. IEEE PUPR Student Branch – This is an organization for undergraduates currently enrolled in electrical engineering programs. Branches are organized under the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., the world’s largest professional engineering society. E-mail: ieeecouncil@students.pupr.edu Website: http://sites.ieee.org/sb-pupr/
c. Cyber Castors – Is a student organization focused on raising awareness in the field of Cybersecurity among our peers. We do this by hosting workshops on subjects such as: Cryptography, Password Cracking, Reverse Engineering, Linux Command Line, and Bash Scripting, and more. Website: https://www.cybercastors.com/
d. The students enrolled in the department may become members of the following professional and student organizations: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) – is the world’s first education and scientific computing society. Founded in 1947, ACM is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students worldwide.
Office of Guidance and Counseling
Career and Internship Services Program
My Poly
Our society is increasingly dependent on the generation and distribution of energy in the form of electricity, and continues to develop at an accelerated pace electronic communication devices and computers designed to capture, create, process, transform, and distribute information. Electrical Engineering is one of the disciplines supporting the development and operation of this key infrastructure. It has evolved from the study of fundamental electrical principles to encompass sophisticated communication and computation techniques.
Computer Engineering is a rapidly changing field that covers a wide range of topics concerned with the design, implementation and programming of computers and digital systems. Computer engineers develop integrated hardware and software systems and apply these to the creative solution of problems in government and business. These solutions are key enablers to our economic development and social welfare. A sample of the range of solutions created by Computer Engineers include: industrial and military control systems, database management systems, health care information systems, networked systems, end-user embedded computer controlled products, and computer-aided design tools to automate and leverage human performance in many other disciplines.
Today, the field of computer science is one of the most popular academic disciplines in universities across the nation. Computer Scientists build computer-aided design tools, manage information technology enterprises, build business information systems (including banking and automotive systems), build healthcare information systems, design and support networks such as wide area networks and cellular telephony, and design end-user embedded computer-controlled products and systems such as smart cards and vision recognition systems.
Associate Degree of Engineering in Software Development
Computer Software Development is a rapidly changing field that spans a wide range of topics concerned with the design, implementation, and programming of computers and digital systems. Software developers apply creative solutions to problems in government, telecommunications, entertainment and other businesses. These solutions are key enablers to global economic development and social welfare. These professionals are dedicated to automating processes that can leverage human performance in many disciplines.
Alfredo Cruz, Ph.D. / Professor
Phone: x-316, 636 | E-mail address: alcruz@pupr.edu
Dr. Alfredo Cruz holds two PhD degrees, and is a participant in prior NSF-CISE, NSF-MRI, and NSF-REU projects. His first doctoral dissertation is in the area of “Parallel Processing” and his second dissertation is in the area of “Evolutionary Computing for VLSI Testing”. Dr. Cruz has been working with graduate students in projects related to IA. He has co-authored various papers on Computer Security with students. Dr. Cruz is the Director and founder of the Center for Information Assurance for Research and Education (CIARE) and is responsible for the CAE/IAE designation. He is a full-professor and Associate Director of the MS CS and MS CpE graduate programs. Areas of research and teaching interests include: Parallel Processing, Fault Tolerant Computing, Expert Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Database Security and Auditing, Management of Information Security, Introduction to Information Security, and IT Auditing and Secure Operations.
Recent Publications:
Angel Gonzalez-Lizardo, Ph.D. / Professor
Phone: x-322 | E-mail address:agonzalez@pupr.edu
His research interests include Plasma Physics, noise in Single Langmuir Probe IV characteristic, FPGA processor for plasma diagnostics, Affinity Research Groups Methodology, Human Machine Interfaces, Plasma Diagnostics, Automation and control systems, plasma nitriding, Interdisciplinary Research, and avionics usability.
Recent Publications:
Luis Vicente, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
Phone: x-344 | E-mail address: lvicente@pupr.edu
His research interests include beamforming, array processing, statistical signal processing, adaptive filters, and High Performance Computing on Signal processing. As a graduate thesis advisor, he already graduated seven students and currently he is advising four graduate and two undergraduate students in the digital signal processing area, high performance computing and parallel processing.
Recent Publications:
Marvi Teixeira, Ph.D. / Professor
Phone: x-353 | E-mail address: mteixeir@pupr.edu
Journal Articles:
Book Chapters:
Conference Papers:
Viktor Zaharov, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
Phone: x-354 | E-mail address: vzaharov@pupr.edu
Research Interests:
Recent Publications:
Journal papers:
Conference Proceedings:
BARETTY HUERTAS, ALFONSO – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2007; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 2006. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: abaretty@pupr.edu
BARRETO, DIDIER – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); Master of Science in Health Information, The College of St. Scholastica, Woodridge, IL, 2019; Master’s in Project Management, University of Ana G. Méndez, Puerto Rico, 2010; Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón, PR, 2002; Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: dbarreto@pupr.edu
BERRÍOS, YARAIDA – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); MBA, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, 2012; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, 2009; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, San Juan Campus, 2004. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: yberrios@pupr.edu
BRENES CATINCHI, JOANNE – Lecturer II; Computer Engineering; PhD in Engineering & Applied Sciences, Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (Candidate); MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014; BSCpE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2011. Phone: x-340. E-mail: jbrenes@pupr.edu
CAMILO, PATRICIO – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); Computer Science; MSCS, Colorado Technical University, Colorado, 2014; BSIT, University of Central Florida, Florida, 2011. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: pcamilo@pupr.edu
CARRIÓN ABRIL, RICARDO – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Power; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1999; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1997. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: rcarrion@pupr.edu
CRUZ TRIANA, ALFREDO – Professor; Computer Science; PhD Nova Southeastern University, FL, 2002; PhD, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992; BS Math and Computer Science, University of North Carolina, North Carolina, 1984; BET Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of North Carolina, North Carolina, 1984; AAS, Electrical Engineering, Fayetteville Technical Institute, North Carolina, 1982. Phone: x-340. E-mail: alcruz@pupr.edu
DE LA CRUZ ECHEANDÍA, JOSÉ R. – Auxiliary Professor; Computer Engineering; MECpE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013; BSCpE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010; BS General Science, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, 1987. Phone: x-340. E-mail: jdelacruz@pupr.edu
DE LA TORRE-UGARTE OTINIANIO, CARLOS – Lecturer I; Computer Engineering; MECpE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2007; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997. Phone: x-340. E-mail: cdelatorre@pupr.edu
DÍAZ MONTAÑEZ, MELISSA – Lecturer I; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010. Phone: x-340. E-mail: mdiaz@pupr.edu
FLOREZ GÓMEZ, EDWIN – Associate Professor; Computing and Information Sciences and Engineering; PhD, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 2018; MS, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 2007; BS Mathematics, Industrial University of Santander, Santander, Colombia, 2003. Phone: x-411. E-mail: eflorez@pupr.edu
GARCÍA PÉREZ, JOSÉ – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Power; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 2002. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: jogarcia@pupr.edu
GIL, DALIA M. – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); Computer Engineering & Computer Science; PhD, Havana Polytechnic Institute, Havana, Cuba, 1989; BSEE, Havana Polytechnic Institute, Havana, Cuba, 1982. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: dgil@pupr.edu
GONZÁLEZ CASTRO, ÁNGEL R. – Lecturer I; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2011; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2008. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: angonzalez@pupr.edu
GONZÁLEZ LIZARDO, ÁNGEL E. – Professor; Computer Engineering; Director, Plasma Engineering Laboratory and Sponsored Research Office; PhD, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, 2003; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1994; BSEE, University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1984. Phone: x-322. E-mail: agonzalez@pupr.edu
GUIGOU, ÚLISES – Associate Professor (Orlando Campus); Computer Engineering & Computer Science; MBA, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Miami Campus, 2016; MSME, Odessa National Maritime University, UA, 1983; BSME, Odessa National Maritime University, UA, 1982. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: uguigou@pupr.edu
HERNÁNDEZ DE LUNA, JULIO A. – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Communications; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1995; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1991. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-472. E-mail: jhernand@pupr.edu
JORDÁN CONDE, ZAYIRA – Associate Professor; Human Computer Interaction; PhD, Iowa State University, Iowa, 2010; MA, Iowa State University, 2004; BA Iowa State University, 2001. ACM. Phone: x-220. E-mail: zjordan@pupr.edu
LÓPEZ BONILLA, ROMÁN E. – Professor; Electrical Engineering; Digital Systems; PhD, University of Bradford, England, 1990; MS, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada BC, México, 1981; BSEE, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico, 1977. Phone: x-315. E-mail: rolopez@pupr.edu
LÓPEZ CRUZ, WENCESLAO – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Controls; MSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2007; MBA, Baldwin-Wallace College, 1989; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1983; BSME, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1982. Phone: x-380. E-mail: wlopez@pupr.edu
MARINI VÁZQUEZ, LARRY W. – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, 1997; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1996. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: lmarini@pupr.edu
MARTÍNEZ RIVERA, ZENÓN R. – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Electronics; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1994; BSEE, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, Republic of El Salvador, 1987. Phone: x-355. E-mail: rmartine@pupr.edu
MATOS ACOSTA, RICARDO – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Communications; MEEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2005; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1992. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: rmatos@pupr.edu
MATOS PÉREZ, JOSÉ E. – Lecturer II; Mechanical & Computer Engineering; MECpE, Polytechnic University of PR, Puerto Rico, 2011; MS Computer Information Systems, Inter American University of Puerto Rico; BSME, Polytechnic University of PR, Puerto Rico, 1995; BS Electronics Technology, Inter American University of Puerto Rico. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: jmatos@pupr.edu
MIRTAR, ALI – Lecturer III; Computer Engineering; PhD, University of California, California, 2015; MS, Sharif University of Technology, Iran; BSEE, Sharif University of Technology, Iran. Phone: x-340. E-mail: amirtar@pupr.edu
MONROY, ELEAZAR – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); Electrical & Computer Engineering; MSCS, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida, 2003; MSCpE, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida, 1998; BSEE, Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela, 1994. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: emonroy@pupr.edu
MORALES COLÓN, ASDRUBAL – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, 1993; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1992; BS Electronic Technology, University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Technological University College, 1987. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-369. E-mail: amorales@pupr.edu
MORALES MORALES, LEANDRO – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Communications; MSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2006; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1990. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-468. E-mail: lmorales@pupr.edu
NEVÁREZ AYALA, FÉLIX J. – Associate Professor (Orlando Campus); Computer Engineering; PhD in Engineering & Applied Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, PR, 2019; MEngME, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1995; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1992; BS Physics, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1989. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: fnevarez@pupr.edu
NIEVES RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ – Lecturer II; Computer Science; MCS, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico 2014; MSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2009; BS Physics, University of Puerto Rico, 2004. Phone: x-340. Email: jonieves@pupr.edu
ORTIZ ORTIZ, LUIS A. – Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1997; BSCpE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1992. Phone: x-491. E-mail: lortiz@pupr.edu
ORTIZ QUIÑONEZ, CARLOS R. – Professor; Electrical Engineering; Electromagnetics; PhD, University of Dayton, Ohio, 1994; MSEE, University of Dayton, Ohio, 1990; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1986. Phone: x-340. E-mail: cortiz@pupr.edu
PADRÓN, IVÁN – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus), Physics; PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, New Jersey, 2010; BS, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba, 1993. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: ipadron@pupr.edu
PAREDES MAISONET, EFRAN – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering; Power; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1999; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1997. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: eparedes@pupr.edu
QUINTERO, ARMANDO – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); MBA, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, 2017; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, 2016; BSEE Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Orlando Campus, 2014. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: aquintero@pupr.edu
REYES AVILÉS, NELSON – Lecturer II; Computer Engineering; MEEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2008; BSCpE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2005. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-340. E-mail: nreyes@pupr.edu
RIERA AYALA, GUILLERMO M. – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Power; PhD George Washington University, Washington D.C., 2000; MSEE, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 1996; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1994. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-372. E-mail: griera@pupr.edu
RIVERA VILÁ, ABDIEL – Associate Professor (Orlando Campus); Electrical Engineering; Power; PhD, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut (Candidate); MSEE, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 2011; BSEE, University of Turabo, Gurabo, Puerto Rico, 2008. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: abrivera@pupr.edu
RIOLLANO HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ D. – Professor; Electrical Engineering; Controls; MSEE, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1986; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1983. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-410. E-mail: jriollan@pupr.edu
RODRÍGUEZ JIMÉNEZ, OTHONIEL – Professor; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, 2003; MSEE & CS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, 1978; BSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1975. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-370. E-mail: orodrigu@pupr.edu
TALAVERA BALBUENA, CLAUDIA – Associate Professor; Math and Computer Science; MCS (CGGT), Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015; MS Math, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, 1998; BS Computer Science, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México, 1992. Phone: x-368. E-mail: ctalavera@pupr.edu
TALLAJ ALMÁNZAR, BLANCA –Professor; Electrical Engineering; Computer Software; MSIE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1994; BSCSE, Pontificia Univ. Católica Madre y Maestra, 1989. Phone: x-378. E-mail: bltallaj@pupr.edu
TEIXEIRA ABARNO, MARVI – Professor; Electrical Engineering and Physical Oceanography; PhD, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1999; MSEE, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, 1994; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1989. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-353. E-mail: mteixeir@pupr.edu
TORRES VÉLEZ, WILFREDO – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Power; MEM, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1995; BSEE, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1992. Registered Professional Engineer (PE) Puerto Rico. Phone: x-410. E-mail: wtorres@pupr.edu
TOVAR, JUAN – Adjunct Professor (Orlando Campus); Master in Science in Public Affairs, Ana G. Méndez System University, Orlando, FL, 2017; Master in Business Administration, Ana G. Méndez System University, Orlando, Florida, 2012; Bachelor in System Engineer, IUP Santiago Mariño, Maracay-Aragua, Venezuela, 2003. Orlando Campus Phone: (407) 677-7000. E-mail: jtovar@pupr.edu
VICENTE LÓPEZ, LUIS M. – Department Head, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering; Communications; PhD Missouri-Columbia, MI, 2009; MSEE, Florida International University, 1996; BS Telecommunications, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, 1990. Phone: x-344. E-mail: lvicente@pupr.edu
VILÁ VIRELLA, CARLOS E. J. – Lecturer II; Electrical Engineering, Computer Science; Juris Doctor, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, 2017; MBA Finance, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, 2010; BSEE and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2006. Phone: x-340. E-mail: cvila@pupr.edu
ZAHAROV VASILEVICH, VIKTOR – Associate Professor; Electrical Engineering; Communications; PhD, Odessa Polytechnic State University, Ukraine, 1993; MSEE, Odessa Polytechnic State University, Ukraine, USSR, 1983; BSEE, Odessa Polytechnic State University, Ukraine, USSR, 1982. Phone: x-354. E-mail: vzaharov@pupr.edu
LOURDES I. RODRÍGUEZ Academic Secretary II
(787) 622-8000 extension 340
Office number: L-309
ORLANDO MAISONAVE Electronics Repair and Configuration Technician
(787) 622-8000 Ext. 319
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science is located at Room L-309, Laboratories Building, San Juan Campus.
Office Hours:
Mondays thru Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Fridays: 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
If you need to contact us, please call us or write us an e-mail. Available by e-mail or phone during office hours.
Phone number: (787) 622-8000, extension 340
You may contact:
Department Secretary
Lourdes Rodríguez
Phone: x-340
E-mail: lourdes.rodriguez@pupr.edu
Department Head
Dr. Luis Vicente López
Phone: x-370
E-mail: lvicente@pupr.edu
Associate Head
Prof. Julio Hernández de Luna
Phone: x-472
E-mail: jhernand@pupr.edu
Academic Program Coordinator
Prof. José Riollano
Phone: x-410
E-mail: jriollan@pupr.edu