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Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00AM – 3:00PM
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1. How do I log into Blackboard™ Learn?
Enter Blackboard
2. Are there any undergraduate courses available online?
Yes, there are several undergraduate courses available; for more information about this courses, please follow this link.
3. I forgot my password. What can I do?
Passwords are confidential, therefore we don’t have access to retrieve any passwords, simply click on the “forgot your password” at this: and then follow the instructions. If need more help, please contact:
4. Do I need an e-mail account?
Yes. Having a valid e-mail account is essential for online courses, it’s the way students and professor communicates.
5. I need assistance. Where should I go?
Blackboard Support:
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
6. Do I need any software?
Supported Browsers & Operating Systems
7. Do I need to log on at any specific place and/or time?
No. You can log on at any time you think appropriate. Although, there might be times when a professor might require students to meet at a chat session at a certain time but that is entirely up to the professor.
8. Is Online Education for me?
If you are wondering whether distance learning is a good option for you, take the following self-evaluation and read the interpretation that follows.
If you are wondering whether distance learning is a good option for you, take the following self-evaluation and read the interpretation that follows.
Independent Learner Self-Evaluation
Check the response that best describes you as a learner (both in and out of school):
1. In general, face-to-face interaction is
a. not particularly important to me.
b. somewhat important to me.
c. very important to me.
2. In my previous school experiences, classroom discussion and interaction have been
a. rarely helpful for me.
b. sometimes helpful for me.
c. almost always helpful for me.
3. When I am trying to learn something new, I prefer
a. to figure it out myself.
b. to work alone at first, asking for help as necessary.
c. to have someone explain it to me.
4. In general, meeting deadlines and budgeting my time is
a. easy for me.
b. sometimes difficult if the project or assignment isn’t interesting to me.
c. difficult for me – I often need outside pressure to complete work.
5. My reading skills are
a. good – I enjoy reading and I learn well by reading.
b. average – I enjoy reading, but my comprehension isn’t as good as I
would like it to be.
c. poor – I generally avoid reading and prefer to learn another way.
6. My attitude toward television/videos as a source of learning is:
a. very favorable – I have learned a great deal from education-oriented television programs.
b. uncertain – I have watched a few educational programs, but I usually think of television as entertainment.
c. negative – television is mindless entertainment.
7. When I am asked to learn new technologies, I:
a. look forward to learning new skills.
b. am apprehensive, but I generally learn them successfully.
c. put it off or avoid it entirely.
8. Considering my personal and work schedule, the time I have to work on a distance course is:
a. more than for a campus course.
b. about the same as for a campus course.
c. less than for a campus course.
9. Taking responsibility for staying in contact with my
instructor would be:
a. easy for me.
b. uncomfortable at first, but I would get used to it.
c. difficult – Taking the initiative would be very stressful for me.
10. Coming to campus occasionally for tests or meetings is:
a. easy as long as I know the dates and times in advance.
b. a problem, but I can do it if the instructor is flexible about times.
c. almost impossible for me.
As you have probably realized, if you answered:
Mostly “a,” you like to learn independently, and distance courses should be very effective for you.
Mostly “b” responses suggest that you may have to make some adjustments in your study habits, but you should do well – remember that distance classes provide plenty of opportunity to interact with your instructor.
Mostly “c” responses indicate that distance learning may not be the best way to further your education because you need consistent interaction to be successful in college course work. However, if distance classes are your only option now, don’t despair – just be aware that you may have to consciously adjust your work habits to be successful.
Remember that online and distance learning is not easy. Your professor will demand at least the same quality of work as they would receive from you in a face-to-face classroom. A similar number of hours will need to be committed throughout the course of a term for a distance course as to a face-to-face course. Remember that your course may include deadlines and instructions on assignments, but there will not be anyone telling you to “turn in your assignment.”
Distance learning is convenient- you do not have to commute to campus, and you can attend class at your convenience- either early in the morning, late at night, or anytime in-between. Just remember, no matter when you decide to study, your professor will hold you accountable.
Independent Learner Self Evaluation created by Julie Witherow, Director of Distance Learning, Pikes Peak Community College
Used with permission.
9. What is a Hybrid Course?
A hybrid course is an academic offering which is not entirely online; that is, the student is required to attend a classroom. The number of times that the student has to attend the classroom is up to the professor.
Cuauhtemoc Godoy, Ed. D. PE. – VEIL Director
Phone: (787) 622-8000 ext. 243
Heriberto Sanabria, Blackboard System Administrator
Phone: (787) 622-8000 ext. 389
Juan M. Pagan, Jr. Blackboard Administrator
Phone: (787) 622-8000 ext. 242