The School of Business and Management seeks to provide theoretical and practical knowledge to those students who aim to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Organizational Management.
Currently, the School of Business and Management offers the following degrees: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (Management of Information Systems; Accounting; Marketing; and General Management) and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management (BSOM). At the graduate level it offers instruction leading to the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the degree of Master of Engineering Management (MEM). Sign up for more info!The School of Business and Management seeks to provide theoretical and practical knowledge to those students who aim to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Organizational Management. The School of Business and Management is guided by the following principles: The business programs contribute to the intellectual and professional formation of students through the development of critical and analytical thinking skills. It fosters the necessary motivation that will enable students to know and relate to the reality of the entrepreneurial world. The Department develops in students the awareness of the social responsibility of management within the economic system of free enterprise. The academic programs encourage the exploration and study of the field of business and management. Students are exposed to the various areas of business to include Accounting, Management, Marketing, Economics, Statistics, and Finance, and their applications in a corporate, service or manufacturing environment.
The School of Business and Management of Polytechnic University Miami Campus provides opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to cultivate their potential for leadership, productivity and competitiveness with a sense of social responsibility toward their communities through exposure to intellectual, humanistic and technological advancement in business and management.
The School of Business and Management offers undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) degree with academic tracks in Accounting, General Management, Marketing, and Management Information Systems, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management (BSOM).
The School of Business and Management academic program objectives are:
Business Administration and Organizational Management students are highly regarded and sought by service, manufacturing, and production industries. Graduates have been provided the knowledge and skills to meet the needs and demands of an ever-changing society. Through various internships, students are exposed to various career positions in business. Graduates can assume career roles such as Accountants, Information Technology Managers, Sales and Marketing Managers, and a variety of managerial supervisory positions in both profit and non-profit organizations.
All students that request admission and are admitted to the business programs must show evidence that they have acquired the academic abilities and skills necessary to progress through the major program of study. Those who do not have these abilities and skills as reflected by the results of their (1) College Entrance Examination Board exam, (2) high school grades, (3) previous college experience, or (4) other evidence, will be required to take additional courses to gain the knowledge. Thus, there may be variations on how to fulfill the Minimum Graduation Requirements stated below. The component of these courses, if required, is in addition to the credits of the Business Administration or Organizational Management degree program. The following is a partial list of preparatory courses offered by the University:
Course Title Credit Hours
MAT 0100 Preparatory Mathematics 3
MAT 0110 Algebra 3
SCI 0110 Introduction to Physics/Science 3
ENC 0100 Preparatory English 3
ENC 0110 English Grammar 3
Students enrolled in one of the academic programs of the School of Business and Management will need to have successfully prepared for their studies within the school. An articulation agreement or transfer program has been signed with many area community colleges to accept students who have earned an Associate’s Degree in a related field. In many cases, all or most of the 60 credit hours completed by students in the community colleges count towards the BBA or BSOM programs and will transfer into the School of Business and Management at Polytechnic University Miami Campus.
Visit the BBA Program Visit the BSOM ProgramThe School of Business and Management at Polytechnic University Miami Campus provides a solid foundation in business concepts and technological perspective to those students who aim to receive a Master’s Degree. The graduate program contributes to the intellectual and professional formation of students through the development of critical and analytical thinking skills, enabling students to relate to the reality of the entrepreneurial world and the convergence of technology and management. The program is designed to create awareness of the social responsibility of management within the global economic system and the importance of effective communication. It encourages creative leadership and flexibility to adapt to rapid change. Polytechnic University Miami Campus offers a Master of Business Administration degree and a Master of Engineering Management degree as part of the Graduate Program.
The educational objectives of the School of Management are:
The School of Management offers graduate instruction leading to the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) with emphases in Management of International Enterprises, Project Management, General Management, Healthcare Management, Computer Information System, and Accounting. Polytechnic University Miami Campus also offers graduate instruction leading to the degree of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) with five areas of specialization: Construction Management, Manufacturing Management, Environmental Management and Project Management.
Graduates from this program are highly regarded and sought by the manufacturing, hospitality, health, production and construction industries, as well as the Government and service sector of the economy. The program prepares students to assume managerial responsibilities in today’s technological environment.
The MBA and MEM programs are designed to allow the participation of students with diverse educational backgrounds. Students registering for the MBA or MEM program are encouraged to meet certain preparatory courses before entering the core courses. Listed below are suggested preparatory courses: Financial Accounting, Business Finance, Introduction to Marketing,Micro Economics, and Macro Economics.
Visit the MBA and MEM Programs